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Laser Vein Face Treatment

Laser Vein Face Treatment, reduces the appearance of veins on the face; the laser targets vessels, causing the blood inside the vessel to coagulate and the vessel walls to collapse and seal. These vessels are then dissolved within the body using the lymphatic system.

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Treating Face Veins with Laser

Spider veins are the result of unhealthy valves inside feeder veins. Feeder veins are what allow the blood to flow backwards. When too much blood back up, it kills the vein and it becomes visible beneath the skin.  While spider veins are not a health risk, they can affect your confidence and body image. Fortunately, there is a way to address this concern with Laser Vein Face Treatment using the Cynosure Elite iQ or Lumecca IPL.


Laser Vein Facial Treatments using Cynosure Elite iQ

With Cynosure’s innovative laser technology, you can finally stop covering up unsightly spider veins and broken blood vessels. The Cynosure Elite iQ is designed with the most advanced technology in laser vein therapy for the most effective results available today.

The Cynosure Elite iQ treatment uses the Skintel melanin reader technology, the only FDA cleared melanin reader which adjusts to your exact skin type, finding the perfect setting for every skin tone – from dark to fair to tanned. You’ll benefit from a customized treatment perfectly matched to your skin!

Before your treatment, your provide will discuss how many treatments are to be expected. During your treatment, the Cynosure Elite iQ is used to target and remove the blood vessels responsible for spider veins. As the light from the laser passes down into the skin, it coagulates the damaged blood vessels, making them irreparable. The body then breaks the unwanted vessels down and removes them via the lymphatic system. Since the laser targets the blood vessels within the vein, there is minimal or no damage to the outer layer of the skin.

Laser Vein Treatment Before Before
Laser Vein Treatment After After

Laser Vein Facial Treatments using Lumecca IPL

Another option to treat facial veins is with Lumecca. Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin. Lumecca operates using photothermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment.

In just 1-3 sessions Lumecca IPL improves the appearance of:

• Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
• Vascular lesions such as facial telangiectasias (spider veins) and poikiloderma (sun aging)
• Rosacea (redness)
• Freckles
• Sun damage

Learn more about Lumecca IPL

Treatments are virtually painless but can vary by patient. Patients describe a range of sensations from tingling to the snap of a rubber band during the treatment.

The number of treatments will vary by patient and based on type of treatment performed. Work with your provider to develop a plan that is right for you!

Pure Aesthetics offers free consultations to determine best treatment options for you!
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Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. — Thich Nhat Hanh