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Botox Vs Dysport: What’s The Difference?

More and more people are getting injections to prevent and reduce the signs of aging. If you’re noticing wrinkles and lines that won’t get fixed by serums and creams, chances are you’ve considered looking into Botox or Dysport injections.

Botox and Dysport are both botulinum toxin injections mainly used to treat and prevent wrinkles. But what really is the difference between Botox vs Dysport? Keep reading to find out.

Botox vs Dysport

Both of these injections are versions of neurotoxins meant to block muscle contractions. While both Botox and Dysport can be used to treat spasms from medical conditions like neurological disorders, these injections are mainly used to treat and prevent wrinkles.

Both of these injections come from botulinum toxins and are safe in small amounts, and have quick recovery rates. Neither of these treatments will get rid of your wrinkles for good, but they both make wrinkles less noticeable, especially when at home serums and creams aren’t working.

Both treatments have a similar main ingredient of trace protein, but amounts of this protein can vary between Botox and Dysport. Keep reading to learn more about these injections similarities and differences.


This treatment is meant to reduce the appearance of glabellar lines. These are the lines between your eyebrows that extend vertically, upward and or towards the forehead, which are noticeable when someone frowns.

These lines become more noticeable when a person ages because the skin loses collagen and protein fibers which are responsible for the skin’s elasticity. Dysport can help treat wrinkles but is only meant for people who have moderate to severe cases, which your dermatologist can diagnose.


Botox works for forehead lines, crow’s feet and glabellar lines, while Dysport is only approved for glabellar lines. The number of Botox injections you need will vary on what area you want to treat and the results you hope to get.

For example, glabellar lines, take about 20 units on about 5 injection sites. While glabellar and forehead lines will be about 40 unites total at 10 injection sites. Crows feet are 24 units at 6 injection sites, and all of these combined is about 64 units

How Long Does Each Procedure Take?

Both procedures take just a few minutes. It actually takes longer to apply and let the anesthetic dry compared to the time the injections themselves take. Unless you have immediate side effects, you can go home right after the procedure.

Both of these injections can efficiently and temporarily treat moderate to severe wrinkles. The effects of Dysport injections might be visible sooner, but the Botox usually lasts longer. You will need follow-up injections for both of these treatments to maintain your results.


The average cost of both of these injections is $400 a session. However, the number of injections needed which varies from person to person will dictate the final cost. On average, Dysport tends to be less expensive than Botox, and insurance won’t cover these cosmetic injections.

Dysport nationally tends to cost about $450 a session. However, your doctor might charge you based on the units per injections. This price can depend on where you live.

There are also some clinics that offer membership programs that have an annual fee and offer discounted rates for each unit of Botox or Dysport. Check out our VIP program for details on special botox offers for you.

Botox injections tend to be more expensive with the cost of about $550 per session. Similar to Dysport, your doctor may decide the price based on how many units you need.

Side Effects

While both procedures are pretty painless, you could feel a slight pressure as the fluids are injected into your facial muscles. In most cases, you should be able to leave as soon as the procedure is over.

There are some side effects that can occur right after the injection. These side effects tend to go away on their own without any additional issues. There are serious risks, which while possible, are very rare.

You will want to discuss all potential side effects and risks with your doctor so you know what you should be on the lookout for.


Both of these injections are considered to be safe if you are a qualifying candidate. There are some side effects, but they are only temporary, like headaches, light pain, and numbness. More moderate side effects include sore throats, droopy eyelids, and muscle spasms.

While rare, both injections can cause botulinum toxicity. The signs of this side effect include difficulty with swallowing, speaking, and breathing. There is also a very rare risk of paralysis from both injections.

Side Effects Of Dysport

Overall, Dysport is considered to be safe. There is still a risk for minor side effects. Some of the most common side effects for Dysport include swelling around the eyelids, slight pain at the site of the injection, headaches, as well a rash and irritation.

These side effects tend to resolve itself after just a few days. If these side effects don’t go away after a couple of days, you will want to contact your doctor.

There are more serious side effects like sinusitis, nausea, and upper respiratory infections. You will want to contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these serious side effects.

Another rare but also a serious side effect of Dysport is botulinum toxicity. This can happen when the injection spreads to another part of the body. Side effects of botulinum toxicity, include muscle spasms, droopy eyelids, difficulty eating, breathing or swallowing, trouble speaking and weakness in your facial muscles.

If you are experiencing any of these side effects of botulinum toxicity, you will need to seek emergency medical treatment immediately.

Side Effects Of Botox

Similar to Dysport, Botox has few side effects and is considered to be safe. The most common side effects of Botox are swelling, bruising, redness, headaches, numbness, and slight pain.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, these minor side effects tend to resolve themselves about a week after the procedure. While rare, there is a risk of paralysis and a slight risk of botulinum toxicity.

If you notice any side effects to paralysis or botulinum toxicity after your Botox injection, seek medical attention immediately.

Get Botox or Dysport Today!

Now that you know the difference between Botox vs Dysport, decide which injection is best for you. In both cases, you’ll want to consult with a dermatologist to decide which injection is best for you. For more information on skincare procedures, check out our blog!

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. — Rumi